poliwipe™-ID RFID Textile Tracking System
poliwipe™-ID is an automation system that works on the principle that textiles are labelled with RFID tags and read from RFID stations at each washing and shipment stage and tracked in this way. With RFID tracking, a unique identification number of each textile is automatically assigned from the system. In this way, product-specific information such as how many times a particular textile has been washed, where it was last, the age of the textile can be tracked down to the finest detail.
Solutions of our system to existing problems
- Avoidance of quantity confusion due to automatic counting
- Prevention of mixing of the products of the hotels during shipment
- Automatic dispatch note creation at the end of shipment and integration to accounting programme.
- The customer can follow the status of the textile instantly and thus eliminate the incompatibilities between the hotel and the laundry.
- Easier monitoring of changes in textile age and number of washes, especially for rental textiles.
- Detection of textiles that are lost and not sent to the laundry.
- Prevention of customer-related losses in the hotel with the security station.
Life cycle of textile in the system
- It enters the system by being marked as dirty from the DirtyGate station
- After washing, it is scanned from the PackGate station and passes to the packaging stage.
- Transitions to the shipped stage by being scanned from the ShipGate station to be sent to the customer
- It transitions to the clean stage by passing through the clean delivery station.